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The Key of Ban Page 5

Next morning Coaldon slept in late. When he awoke, his thoughts jumped between excitement and uneasiness. He was excited about being an adult and facing his first real adventure. Yet, he feared leaving home and rushing into the unknown future. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw the sword sitting next to his chair and the three guests talking in front of the fireplace. This day would be like no other day in his life. He sensed that his whole life had change forever. The peace of the past would be consumed by the turbulence of the future.

  Lunch was made from the birthday leftovers. The three guests proclaimed, “Good food yesterday, but better today.” After finishing their meal, Emperor Brad called the council meeting to order.

  He stated, “The purpose of this Council is to chart the course of action needed to reclaim the throne and remove the stain of corruption. We have much work to do. Where do we start?”

  Starhood followed, “First we need to understand our enemy. Coaldon, will you please tell us about the appearance of the black mist in the village.”

  Coaldon stated, “At first I was surprised to find the black mist floating in the hallway. My confusion delayed my response to its potential threat. I was hesitant to do anything because I did not detect any danger. It was not until the mist touched me that I realized I was in trouble. I felt dread grip my whole being. If I had not resisted, I would have lost control to its powers. I found it difficult to move. Without thinking, I sliced into the mist with my knife. As the knife cut into the mist, I felt it resist the blade. I remember hearing an agonizing scream. An instant surge of heat shot into my knife. I believe the blade absorbed most of the energy before it got to me. Then the vision of the hand clouded my mind. I felt an evil presence reaching into my mind. In defiance, I pushed the reaching-hand away. The hand became angry when I rejected it.”

  Starhood asked to see the knife Coaldon used to attack the mist. Emperor Brad laid it on the table. With caution, Starhood picked up the blade and examined it in great detail. After several minutes he passed it to Pacer and Earthkin. Starhood stared into the flames of the fireplace for a long time. At first he showed no emotion. Then a dark shadow of agitation began to cover his face. Starhood became more somber and grave the longer he reflected on the black mist and knife. A twist of his lips indicated he was ready to speak.

  Starhood finally said, “Coaldon carried a very special knife. This is an elf knife from the First Quarter Age. It was infused with the power to destroy the evil creatures created by Doomage the Wizard. It is interesting that the knife was able to destroy the black mist. We need to remember the black mist had been imprisoned in the Chamber of Oblivion by the Key of Ban. This can only mean a doorway into the Chamber of Oblivion has been opened. Who could have done such a wicked thing?”

  Starhood continued, “The lore of elf history describes the black mist in detail. It is an ancient evil that does not have a mind of its own. It must have a master to direct its activities. The black mist is sent by the master to gain information and to inject fear into its victims. It can easily enter the mind of a person without being detected. If it is not stopped, it will read the mind of the victim and create a deep sense of uncontrollable panic.”

  In excitement the dwarf stated, “I am sorry for the interruption, but I just remembered something I must share with you. The lore of my people tells of an age when a calamity from the past would revisit the world. We are required, as children, to memorize the following verse. The knowledge of this verse will alert us to an impending catastrophe. It states, ‘Be aware when the Door of the Oblivion is opened. The immerging power will strive to destroy the Hand on the Sword. It will fill the brave with fear, challenge the powerful to action and encourage the wise to find the Key. The Hand is to enter the Cave of Hope in the Land of Westmore. The One Sword will open the Gate of Conquest.’”

  A silence followed as each person digested this new information.

  Coaldon’s curiosity was challenged by this revelation. He questioned, “What is the Key of Ban?”

  Starhood lifted his hand to indicate his desire to speak. “The Key of Ban is a book that was forged by the power of ancient elves. It was written to control and conquer the evil that ruled the world during the First Quarter Age. The power of the Key of Ban is activated by the actions of a wizard. The elfin runes of the book were so powerful they were able to drive Doomage and his army into the Chambers of Oblivion. This imprisonment has been forgotten except as recorded in the ancient Book of Lore. The Key to Ban was hidden to protect generations from misusing its power.”

  Emperor Brad followed, “Does the appearance of the black mist indicate that the doors to the Chamber of Oblivion have been opened? Never in the recent history of the Northern Empire has a foul creature like this invaded the land. I have fought the vices of mankind, not the vileness created by Doomage. If the black mist is a creation of the First Quarter Age, then it will be necessary to find the Key of Ban.” Earthkin entered the conversation; “The existence of the black mist could indicate the Empire is being flooded with Doomage’s wicked creatures. We would be foolish not to take the black mist seriously. The wickedness, once released, will grow as it feeds upon itself. As my grandfather would say, ‘Fear begets fear’. We must find the Key of Ban.”

  Pacer injected. “We will need a wizard to assist us. Has anybody heard anything about Topple the Wizard? The last time I saw him, he was wandering with a group of wood elves in the Wilds of Rognor. He was just as absent minded as you remember. That was about six months ago. By now he could be anywhere.”

  Coaldon was uncertain if he should make any comments. He finally took courage saying, “Several weeks ago I heard about an old man roving in the forest in the Valley of Nexter with a group of wandering dwarves.”

  Earthkin could not contain himself, “What are you talking about? What wandering dwarves? I do not know anything about wandering dwarves?”

  Coaldon responded, “For many years I have talked with the wandering folks. The dwarves, wood elves and stone people are always traveling in the Black Mountains.” Earthkin sat in disbelief. “I thought I knew all about the dwarves in this part of the world. What does this mean?”

  A broad smile grew across Brad’s face. He declared, “As we have surprised Coaldon the last few days, so he has likewise surprised us. Pacer, do you know the location of Nexter Valley?”

  Pacer responded. “I believe Nexter is an ancient title. I do not know its modern name.” Coaldon injected, “It must be in the Black Mountains. The dwarves indicated that they would see him in several days .”

  Emperor Brad followed, “Several weeks ago I remember reading in the Book of Lore about the Valley of Nectin. I believe Nectin could be the current name for Nexter. It is located northwest of here. It will be necessary to o over the Pass of Doom to reach it. It would be a tough three-day journey to get there. I believe we have no choice but to send a party to look for Topple. I suggest Pacer, Earthkin and Coaldon make the trip.”

  With nods, both Pacer and Earthkin agreed with the plan.

  Pacer questioned, “Coaldon, are you positive about the information about the man wandering with dwarves?”

  With confidence Coaldon nodded in confirmation. He added, “The dwarves said something about this person needing guidance. It seems he is very forgetful and possesses a most unique sense of humor.”

  Emperor Brad laughed saying, “This sounds like our dear friend Topple. I never met a person with such trust in the destiny of his life.”

  After a short pause, he continued, “Since we need Topple, we had better go looking for him. He could be anywhere, but I believe we have a strong lead. I suggest the team leave early in the morning to look for our old friend. The weather could turn bad any day, so you should take extra provisions and warm clothes.”

  Emperor Brad had been waiting for months to get information about his granddaughter. “Pacer, will you please tell us about Princess Noel.”

  Coaldon was thinking about the journey over the Pass of Doom when Pacer starte
d talking. He did not hear the name Princess Noel.

  Pacer said, “Last year I visited Neverly to gain information about Noel. She is still being held in the palace. She can only leave it under guard. I was able to visit Noel’s guardian in the market place. This was dangerous for both of us, but I needed to gain information. The nursemaid is your loyal subject. She declares her allegiance to Wastelow, but in reality she claims you as her Emperor. Over the years she has revealed to Noel her true identity. Noel is in good spirits and ready to escape. I believe Noel is in great danger. The nursemaid told me that Noel is a robust, strong willed and determined young lady.”

  Coaldon’s mind finally joined in on the conversation. He questioned, “Who is Princess Noel?”

  Pacer gave a loud laugh, “I guess we have not done a good job of informing our new prince of his family. Noel is your twin sister. Wastelow captured her as a small child. He has the intention of forcing her to marry his son.”

  Coaldon felt a warm glow radiate from himself. He had a sister, a real sister! A sense of meaning and purpose blossomed within the young prince. He would never allow his sister to marry anybody without her consent.

  Emperor Brad stated, “We must rescue her from the foul intentions of Wastelow. After you return from Nectin Valley we must pay the City of Neverly a long awaited visit. Coaldon, I am sure your sister would like to meet you.”

  Starhood stated, “I need to visit the Library at the Monastery of Toms. I want to search through the ancient books to find the location of the Land of Westmore.”

  Queen Ingrid had been showing growing frustration during the meeting. She injected, “I believe it is no longer safe for us to live on the farm. I heard rumors in the village about Wastelow looking for a half elf.”

  Brad suggested, “The Monastery of Toms may be a good location. We could live in the village next to the Monastery. The Wastelands will provide a barrier to anybody wanting to capture us.”

  Brad and Ingrid decided to start packing for the journey. It would be necessary to travel light.

  ~ ~

  The Pass of Doom