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The Key of Ban Page 4

Coaldon entered the cabin with the intention of sharing the strange dream with his grandmother. To his surprise three strangers were sitting at the table with his grandfather. They stood in respect when he entered the room. His grandfather broke the silence by introducing the guests. Standing on his right was a tall, muscular and energetic man. He had been weathered by many miles of outdoor living. His dark face had brown penetrating eyes. He wore leather pants and a green cotton shirt. His boots were made of soft deer hide. His grandfather said, “This is Pacer, a wilderness scout and a very old friend. He has been wandering the Northern Empire for many years keeping an eye on daily events.”

  A short, stocky dwarf with long gray hair stood on his left. His deep-set eyes radiated intelligence and curiosity. He wore bulky cotton clothes and large leather boots. The heavy lines on his grumpy face indicated countless years of hard work. The wisdom of years added to his quiet posture. He gave Coaldon a stiff formal bow. Grandpa Brad said, “I introduce Earthkin, a dwarf of the family Cavemore. He is known for his ability to out-walk, out-lift, out-work, out-think and out-wit anybody I know. The events of the empire have forced him to seek council with me.”

  After a short pause he continued, “Last, I am proud to introduce Starhood, grand advisor to the Elfdom of Talltree. He has journeyed a long distance to meet with us.” Coaldon had never seen or met a regal elf. Starhood was a tall, slender and dignified elf with long, black shiny hair and large, water pool eyes. The light of the fireplace shimmered in his hair like a flowing rainbow. His brightly colored clothes matched the sparkling radiance of his character. His yellow pants blended into his forest green shirt. Coaldon was attracted to Starhood’s caring eyes. Coaldon felt a warm glow touch the center of his mind as he looked into Starhood’s face. In some magical way, part of himself was found in Starhood.

  At this point Grandma Ingrid started to load the table with a feast of food. The variety of meats, vegetables, breads and sweet drinks were eyed with great anticipation.

  After everyone had gathered around the table, Grandfather Brad said, “Let us give thanks for this food and ask a blessing upon each of our lives. May our journey in life be in harmony with the One Presence. Amen.” The room resounded in a long silence as a large quantity of food was respectfully consumed. After eating trail food for many days, the three visitors were hungry for home cooking. Grandma Ingrid was delighted to watch the food disappear with a loud chorus of satisfied praises.

  After dinner their conversation centered about events in the Empire. Grandpa Brad was particularly interested in learning about the growing unrest in Neverly. Pacer said, “The increase in taxes by the Emperor is causing great hardship for the citizens all over the Empire. The tax money is being used to build a large army. Emperor Wastelow has not been seen for months. It is rumored he has fallen under a cloud of melancholy. The people on the streets of Neverly speculate Crossmore has been using magic to heal the emperor.”

  Starhood added, “Wizard Crossmore has assumed many of the emperor’s social duties and decision making responsibilities. Crossmore might have the grand design of being emperor.”

  Grandma Ingrid brought in a large cake with 18 burning candles. A robust round of congratulations sounded as Coaldon blew out the candles with one healthy blast of air. At this point, Grandpa Brad stood and walked to the large, mysterious elfin trunk that had always been kept locked. He said several words under his breath and touched the elf runes on the lid. A flash of light lit the room as the trunk opened. Coaldon had never seen the inside of this trunk. His grandfather slowly pulled out a sword and scabbard with the reverence given to sacred objects. He walked over to Coaldon and placed the sword into Coaldon’s hands saying, “This was your father’s sword. It was made by the elves during the First Quarter Age in the forgotten Land of Westmore. Its name is the Blade of Conquest. It is endowed with the magic of Blessed Acts. If you use it for good and noble purpose, it will protect you from the power of evil. God bless you, my grandson.”

  Coaldon sat in absolute disbelief. As he held the sword, he felt energy pulsing within the blade. He noticed that the blade had a gray metallic color, a responsive feel and a slight vibration. He was unable to say anything because of the choke of emotions. As his hands slowly glided over the surface of the blade he experienced a strange event. He felt a stab of energy shoot into his body from the sword. The sword reached out to him. When Coaldon unconsciously returned the gesture, he heard the voice of the blade speak to him in mysterious bonds of oneness.

  With natural dignity, Starhood withdrew a knife from his travel bag and placed it in Coaldon’s hand proclaiming, “This knife will help protect you on your journey in life. Its name is Strong Edge. If you allow the power of the knife to assist you, it will bind you to the will of the One Voice. It will touch my heart if you reach to find my presence. May your quest be blessed by the One Source.” Coaldon touched the knife with respect and awe.

  Finally, Pacer and Earthkin stood and walked over to Coaldon. Pacer took a small package from his vest pocket. He said, “On this day of entering into your inheritance take the Gem of Watching as our gift to you. It will protect you in the face of danger. In times of doubt, look into its depths to find assistance. May the One Presence bless you.” As Coaldon looked into the gem, a gentle blue light filled the room. The light penetrated deep into Coaldon’s mind. A warm glow of peace filled the young man with hope and confidence. Earthkin commented, “The gem has claimed you as its own.”

  Coaldon was mesmerized beyond comprehension. His mind was struggling to maintain a sense of reality in the face of these unusual events. He said out loud, “I must be dreaming. I know I will wake up and find everything as it was yesterday.”

  At this comment the room was filled with laughter.

  As Coaldon focused on his gifts, his grandfather rearranged the chairs in the room. Next to the elf trunk he set two chairs side by side. Several steps to his left he placed three chairs in a row. Facing the five empty chairs he placed a single chair in the center of the room.

  Grandpa Brad requested Ingrid and the guests to join him in the living area. The guests took their places in front of the three chairs. He then directed Coaldon to stand in front of the chair in the middle of the room. Brad declared in a dignified voice, “As Emperor, I call the Royal Court of the Empire of Rocknee in session.” He stood in front of the large chair with Ingrid at his right. Pacer walking in front of Emperor Brad, bowed and opened the elfin trunk. He took out a royal purple cape in a ritualistic fashion. He turned to Earthkin, handing him the cloak. He then removed a gem studded crown and held it in a stately manner. Earthkin was first to approach the throne. He placed the cape on Brad’s broad shoulders. Then Pacer positioned the crown on Emperor Brad’s head. Pacer and Earthkin then stood next to Starhood, bowed to the Emperor and were seated.

  Coaldon remained standing in the center of the room in a state of wonderment. He looked around the room. It was still just a simple farm house in the middle of the wilderness. His head spun in a haze of confusion. He whispered to himself, “Why are they playing children’s games?”

  His grandfather proclaimed, “It is my honor this day to hold the first session of the Emperor’s court in many years. Seventeen years ago an evil event ripped the Empire from my hands. It left me with a dead son, a deceased daughter-in-law, a granddaughter enslaved to the evil court and a grandson to raise. I escaped to this isolated place to find protection and to prepare a prince for his royal duties. With joy, I stand before you to open an Age of Justice.”

  Emperor Brad sat down with the flair of a noble personage. Pacer then stood up and said, “Prince Coaldon of Rocknee stand before your Emperor.” With stumbling steps Coaldon approached the throne, gave a short head nod and stood in an awkward silence.

  Pacer continued, “We realize this may be overwhelming to you. We needed to protect you from being detected by Wastelow. Please roll up the sleeve on your right arm and raise your arm with your palm facing us.”

ut hesitation Coaldon responded just as he was instructed. On Coaldon’s forearm was a small birthmark in the shape of a horseshoe. Coaldon had been aware of the birthmark but never put significance to it. Pacer pointed to the birthmark with a grand gesture.

  He said, “Coaldon, this mark confirms your claim to the Throne of Rocknee. Please be seated.”

  Coaldon moved in a timid and indecisive fashion. He sat down in the chair located in the center of the room. Looking at Emperor Brad, he said quietly to himself, “Who is this man I have lived with all these years?”

  Emperor Brad then stood with commanding authority. Pacer walked to the elfin trunk and withdrew a long sword that was set with many jewels. He handed it to the Emperor. The sword gave off a flash of light when Emperor Brad touched it. Emperor Brad said, “Coaldon, heir to the Throne of Rocknee, please approach the throne and kneel.”

  In helplessly obedience he stood up. With unsteady, hesitant steps he walked forward and knelt down.

  The Emperor continued, “By my authority as Emperor, I place this sword upon your head and shoulders to establish your rights. By the holy power invested in me, I declare you as rightful heir to the throne of the Holy Empire of Rocknee. I declare you as an apostle to the One Source. I appoint you as council to the Emperor. You will act with honor, protect the weak, lead with authority, speak with wisdom and bring justice to the wicked. Let these words be witnessed by these honorable citizens under the watchful eye of the One Presence and by the spirits of our noble ancestors. Coaldon, arise and assume your royal duties this very day. We will guide, protect, instruct and correct you in your journey. You are to help lead the Empire into a new Age of Justice. Coaldon, greet your new subjects.”

  Each person, except his grandfather and grandmother, approached him, bowed and returned to his seat. Emperor Brad announced, “The court is now in recess until the next call to action.”

  At this announcement a loud cheer was raised under the humble roof in this far off land. Starhood added, “It is a pleasure to witness this new day in the life of the Empire. Coaldon, you are to act with courage in the presence of danger. You will be required to face unknown perils. You will need to grow in wisdom and knowledge. Please allow us to assist you in your times of need.”

  Coaldon said very little for the rest of the evening. Sweet drinks were shared with a round of story telling. The guests and his grandparents showed common enthusiasm on this happy day. For the first time in sixteen years the three guests and Coaldon’s grandparents were together. The pleasant glow from the fireplace added warmth to their discussion. Coaldon, in complete exhaustion, went to bed early. As he left the room, his grandfather said to him, “Tomorrow we will hold council. Be ready to listen, learn and take action. Good night.”

  ~ ~

  The Council